Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Yay Visitors!

Last week we had my grandparents and aunt Diane flew all the way to Ohio to visit us. I am so happy they came. We never have any visitors come out to see us! We had a nice relaxing time with them.

While my grandparents were here Chance and Jessica came down from Toleda for a few days. And they introduced us to the newest member of their family. This cute little lab puppy they named Pablo. They made up this hillarious song that chance sang while Jessica walked in hold Pablo like on the Lion king. It was So funny!

We went to Devine Farms while everyone was here. This is the fun pumpkin place we go to every year.

There was a pretty competitive monolopy game that went on for about 3 hours. Grandma and jessica ended up calling a tie between them.While we played monolopy my mom made some delicious homemade doughnuts..yummy!
Thanks for coming to visit guys!