Monday, April 21, 2008

Mess Makers

So a couple weeks ago I put the boys up at the counter and gave them dinner. while they were eating I went downstairs to switch the laundry and start a new load. I was gone for maybe 5 minutes. I herd them laughing histerically while I was downstairs. I thought they were just feedind our dog Rusty since they loved doing that lately and they think it is so funny for some reason. Well I was SOOOO wrong. I walked into the kitchen and they were covered in flour! I just stood there for a second in shock and I did'nt know how to react. Should I get mad, should I laugh? Well they looked so cute and funny I had to laugh at them and take some photos. They also got Rusty.

How did they get the flour you ask. Well on the counter where they eat I have a couple canisters. With sugar and flour. I have never seen them show interest in them so I don't know how that little idea popped up in their head..Crazy, Funny Boys =)
p.s. Clean up was not so bad with me fancy vacuume I bought a few months ago (refer to previous blog a few months ago) =)


Nicole said...

They are so cute. I honestly don't know how I would have reacted, whether I would have seen the cute faces covered in flour, or the mess first. Kudos to you mommy for keeping your cool!

Karson and Kami said...

LOL Oh my gosh, they are completely COVERED!!! I would have made sure to laugh and take photos's times like these to remember! No point in getting mad over something that can easily be cleaned up, right?

Too cute!