Friday, June 26, 2009

6 months already!

Our baby Kai just turned 6 months old on June 15th. It is so hard to believe that it has already been half a year since he came into this world. He has hit a few little milestones since I last updated about him.
He had his 6 month check up a few days ago and the doctor says he growing great and looks healthy. He weighs 16 lbs and he is 26 inches long which puts him in the 25% for both. He is still the sweetest most laid back baby I have had so far! He is always so happy and he is a great sleeper! He loves to just play with his toys on the floor and he really likes being in his johnny jump up chair.
He just started baby food a few weeks ago which to no surprise he really enjoys =) His first food was sweet potatos. He has liked everything we have gave him so far except for oatmeal. He takes after me with that because I also hate oatmeal! He does not really seem interested in wanting to sit up but he is really close to crawling already! He gets up on his hands and knees and moves his knees forword but does not quite now what to do with his hands yet =)..I am sure he will crawl before he sits up and I am soooo not ready for him to start crawling. I don't want to start chasing him around everwhere and babyproof everything again! I like to lay him down somewhere and him still be there when I come back =)..
Here he is after bath time which he also likes very much!

Here is Kai's first time eating baby food. It was a family event =)
Here he is trying to sit up

Here he is in his ready to crawl pose

His brother's are so in love with him. I was out doing yard work and had kai laying in his bouncer and Noah and Eli wanted to lay down with him so they went and got their pillows and joined him for a while =)
They are usually always wanting to be by him and play with him. Well mostly Noah =)
I am so in love with these 3 boys!
Happy half birthday Kai!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Funny boys

My kids make me laugh everyday! It's so funny to see what these boys come up with to entertain themselves.
The other day I guess they were going threw winter withdrawls because they pulled the sleds out from under the deck and took turns pulling each other around in it. Then they came in the house to put their snow gear on. Good thing I packed their winter coats away or else they would have been playing outside in the 85 degree, (also very humid) weather wearing their coats! Crazy kids =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zoo day

One of the great things about living in columbus is the Columbus Zoo! We have an awesome zoo here. It was been ranked the #2 zoo in the country for a few years until last week when I read it has jumped up to the #1 Zoo in the country!
Connected to the the zoo is an awesome water park called Zoombezi Bay and a huge Safari golf course.
We have a Zoo membership so we get to go to the zoo whenever we want, and it's only about 20 minutes away. Here are a few pictures of our latest Zoo outing with a buch of our friends.
Here are the kids visiting the monkey's
This is the brand new baby boy cute!

All the kiddos! (minus Eli)

Cute baby bunny just chillin on the side of the walk way.
There is a huge reptile building.Weird enough my boys claim to be terrified of all bugs and reptiles but whenever we go to the zoo they insist we visit the reptile building. EVERY TIME!!
Playing with baby ducks
Me and my boys =)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

He did it!

Noah is all finished with his first year of preschool! He loved going and he wished he could go everyday! He has learned so much and had so much fun with his school friends and teacher.
We can't wait for preschool to start back up in a few months, and this time both Noah and Eli get to go!!
Here are a couple of preschool pictures.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Soccer Time!!

My friend Kristi had an idea to start our own little soccer team. We have so many 3 and 4 year old little boys around. So every Saturday morning we will get together and do a few little practice drills and then play a 15-20 minute game since that is about all these little boys can handle right now! This last Saturday we went to Kristi's house and she had nets and cones all set up and she taught them how to do a few little drills and talked to them about the basic rules to the game. She even found these cute little soccer jerseys for $1! she got blue and green ones so we can have 2 different teams. It was so fun to watch my boys play their very first soccer game together. Noah was really into it and he was all over the ball. He even made the first goal =)....Eli is not quite 3 years old yet so he doesn't quite have the attention span for this type of thing yet. He was wandering off half of the time and when he did decide to play every time he had the ball and someone kicked it away from him he would cry. It was kind of funny to watch,but hopefully as the weeks go on he will start to understand more of how the game works.
Thanks Kristi, you are an awesome coach! =) Here the kids are during the actual game.

This is them practicing kicking the ball to each other.

Here is Kristi teaching them the rules of the game

Here is Eli crying because someone took the ball away from

Here are the boys who played this week. We do have a few more boys coming to play so we will hopefully have about 5 kids on each team next week.

Kenta and I are so excited for our kids to play soccer. Kenta has always been a soccer player and we have been waiting a long time for them to be old enough to really start playing. After the game saturday I went and bought some soccer nets for the boys so they can practice in the backyard. Noah has been out there practicing quite a bit. He is definitely taking after his daddy. And his Daddy couldn't be more proud! =)