Monday, September 21, 2009

Soccer season comes to an end.

The kids had their last soccer game a week ago. It was such a fun summer of playing soccer most saturday mornings.
On the last day of soccer we did an afternoon game and then had pizza and handed out trophies. The boys felt pretty special =)
Kristi was so funny and made all the boys come up and shake her hand when she handed them their trophies. Thanks so much Kristi for organizing this, it was so fun! I hope you guys don't move so we can do it again next summer!!
Here is pictures from the last soccer game..We had my parents, my sister mollie, My brother chance and sister in-law jessica all come to watch the boys.
Speaking of Chance and Jessica, they just moved to Toledo Ohio which is only about 2 1/2 hours north of here. Chance just got a job as a news anchor/reporter at the television station there. So they just moved here from Utah and we are so stoked they are so close!! So if anyone goes up north to toledo make sure you check out chance on the 6:00 news =)

I caught a picture of Noah scoring a goal!
Sometimes it turned into more of tackle football than soccer =)
The proud parents

Bye Bye soccer for now!


Preschool has started once again. This year Eli gets to go also! They are both in the same preschool at my friends house, which is the same preschool Noah did last year. Raquel runs a little preschool out of her basement. She is so great and Noah and Eli just love her and love going to preschool. Noah misses the deadline by a few months to start kindergarten, which I was bummed about because I feel like he is so ready to start going to school more. Raquel's preschool is 2 mornings a week, so 2 mornings a week me and Kai get the morning all to ourselves!

I have another friend kristen who lives not far from us and she and I were talking one day and I had mentioned how much Noah loved preschool and I wish he was old enough to go to kindergarten so he could be at school more. Well Kristen has a 4 year old daughter that she was going to do her own little preschool with 2 mornings a week and she invited Noah and another little girl to join them. So Noah now gets to do 2 different preschools and he gets to go 4 days a week, which he loves! I have some great friends here, Thank you so much to Raquel and Kristen for stimulating my children's brains! =)
Yes, I am that nerdy that I dressed them all alike on their first day of preschool. =)
Aren't they some handsome little boys I have!!

Miss Raquel and her preschool kids on their first day of school
Here is Miss Kristen, Noah, Willow, and Hannah

Saturday, September 19, 2009

playing catch up!!

My excuses for being a blogging slacker.
*We have a had a few CRAZY BUSY months!!
*sick kids and a not sleeping, teething baby =(
*I have had a broken laptop that has been a joke to try and fix .It keeps breaking, getting fixed and then breaking again, and as of yesterdayit is working FOR NOW! So now maybe i can upload some pictures now and catch up on all the things i want to blog about. As long as my computer stays healthy, I can play catch up.