Thursday, March 18, 2010

Eli's Awesomeness

Just about everyday Eli models some very nice outfits ,makeup and accessories for me..He is seriously so funny! I just flipped through some picture folders from the past year and here is some of his awesomeness!

This is Eli and his buddy Ethan...I am sure this was Eli's idea.

This last one is my favorite. =)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodbye Curls

A few months ago Kai's hair started to show signs of curls and I was so excited! I have always dreamed of having a curly haired kid. I thought with my husband being Japanese and having the straightest hair ever I would have absolutely no chance of that happening. I dont have curly hair but my brother and some other extended family members do.
Well the problem is Kai's hair is really only curly after bath time. Then he takes a nap or goes to bed and wakes up with mostly straight hair again. I kept holding out that it would turn more curly because he looked so freaking cute for the short periods of time when it was actually curly. Well, people strated commenting at church or even the grocery store that its starting to look like he needs a haircut. Finally I gave in and I am a little disapointed that I did. I cut all my boys hair and it was haircut day for Kenta, Noah and Eli so I decided to do Kai's also.



He doesn't look like my baby anymore, he looks like a little boy!
What do you think...Curly (even though its not always curly), Mohawk, or flat?
Whatever though..... he is still such a stud! =)

Cute boys

This is my personal opinion but I think my kids have the best grandma in the world! They are so spoiled. She is always doing nice things for them and for valentines day she got them some ballons and treats. Also My aunt Diane and my Grandma T. from Utah sent the boys some treaures and treats for v-day also. My kids are so lucky to have so many people that love and care about them.

This was Kai's first sucker and boy did he LOVE it! =)