Time sure does fly and I don't like that so much... I wish my boys would not grow up so fast, but I guess there is not a dang thing I can do about it, except for seriously enjoy them as much as I can. Dont get me wrong we surely have our bad moments but I am slowly learning just to ignore the melt downs and tantrums as much as I can..My sweet baby boy Kai, who is not so much a baby anymore turned 2 years old on December 15th. Kai is a picky eater which I am not used to. He would eat crap all day if I let him. His favorite foods are bananas,string cheese, anything with beans, and spaghetti. He LOVES his brothers and copies everything they do. He doesnt talk much.I think thats because Eli does all his talking for him. The only words he says, is Eli (his first word) Mommy, daddy, yes, kitty, buzz (for buzzlight year), juice, choo choo, and as of 3 days ago he says No. Noah is at school all day so Eli and Kai have become Bff's. They play and fight so well together. =)
He is very much into trains and anything with wheels. He doesnt like tv or movies that much. The only thing he will sit and watch for a little while is Toy story.
Kai's 2 year old stats: 26 lbs.(15th percentile) & 33 inches tall(25th percentile)
Kai has the cutest smile and laugh! I love him so much and cant imagine my life without my 3 little men...
Oh yes, I'm a blog slacker too. And as for the 3rd kiddo...like I really need one more little person bossing me around, lol!! U should get paid to have kids, they are gorgeous!!
Your boys are too cute, I am sure you wish you could just freeze them in time sometimes and tell them to stop growing. Love your pics!
great cake... love the ride on train!! Hope he had a happy 2nd birthday!
hey Kim...now I am stalking you too! Great pictures and adorable blog!
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