Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just cute pics of Kai.

My baby Kai is not a baby anymore.(tear) He turned 2 a few months ago and he is very much acting like a terrible 2 year old. He sure is a cute terrible 2 year old though. He has the cutest smile and gorgeous eyes. Thanks to those asian genes he has. =)I feel so blessed to have this beautiful boy in our family.


sarah and jeremy said...

I know!! He is so stinking cute! You guys are lucky to have those gorgeous genes (although I'm pretty sure I see u in them too)....:)

Perry's said...

He definitely doesn't look like a baby but he is so dang cute! Where have you been? MIssed seeing you at club!

Katie Busken said...

He is quite the looker (but then all of your boys are)! Try to think of Lucy 15 years down the road!

Karson and Kami said...

He is seriously SOOO stinkin cute!!!

Miss P said...

Your kids are so stinking cute!!