So I have been wanting to start a blog for a while and my friend Becca has bugged me about starting one for a while. So HERE WE GO.
I will just start with today.
So I went grocery shopping with my 3 year old son Noah today and as we were walking up to the doors of the store a man was walking next to us holding a little kitten. Noah of course loves kittys and noticed it right away. He asked to pet the kitty, as he was petting the cat the man had told me that he was getting into his car when someone just threw the cat out the door of their car! Can you beleive that!
I think this guy was walking back into the store to look up shelter adresses. I am not sure really. But he said he was not able to take it home since he had 2 pitbull dogs at home and he didnt think they would react very well to a little tiny kitten. WEll..... me and Noah both fell in love with the kitten and I felt so bad for it. I HAD to adopt it =)..... Kenta was quite shocked but okay that I brought home a new little kitty... Eli and Noah are of course loving her to death !!WE have all fallen in love with her.....Some of you who know me know that I saved an abondon kitten 4 months ago. So now we have 2 cats! Thats ok, I love cats....Don't worry I love dogs to.. I have 1 of them also. You can see Rusty my dog checking out the new member of the family =)
Now I have to think of a name..Any ideas?
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