Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our 4th of July fun!

We spent the morning at the Upper Arlington parade. It was a rainy gloomy morning but at least it wasnt too hot. I was not going to let the rain bring us down and ruin our day! I was so mad that I forgot to bring my camera to the parade, so I only took a couple photos with my phone. The kids were great and loved watching the entire parade.

Later in the day we had my parents, sister, and some friends over to barbecue. I was so happy that is stopped raining just in time for the barbecue and it did not rain at all for the rest of the night!
Notice the cute shorts the boys are wearing, I just learned how to sew and I am so excited about it! I made these cute shorts for them =) GO ME!! We had some soccer, horse shoes and scrabble going on.

Even Cute Miley found
some entertainment =)

Then later we pulled out some fireworks to play with while we were waiting to go to the Upper Arlingtons firework show. The kids thought it was great they got to stay up so late to go see the fireworks =) I was not sure how Eli would react to the loudness of it all, but he did not care at all. We all enjoyed the fireworks at the end of the night.

Although I was feeling a bit homesick for family and friends in Utah and the regular traditions I am used to. I am sooooo thankful that I have some family here and for the friends we have made here. Who knows how long we will be here in Ohio but as long as we are here I will have to make our own new traditions, and this barbecue we had had will definately have to be an annual event. We all had a really fun day! =)


ThE fRoNkS!... said...

KIM!! I am so glad you found me!! Your little family is so stinkin cute! I am so excited to keep in touch.YAY for blog stalking!!(it's ok everybody does it!) Oh and by the way- fantastic job sewing those shorts- that is so impressive!

Karson and Kami said...

Yep, Utah is so much better! lol
Looks like you had a lot of fun though! Love your header photo with you and Kenta at the top of your page! So cute!