Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have been such a blogging slacker. I have good reasons though. I have always been a wannabe photographer. I finally got a nice, fancy camera and have been practicing a lot. My friend Kristen who is a photographer and a photoshop genius has been helping me out. She used to teach photoshop classes and is giving me one on one classes. So that is what I have been up to. One day in the near future maybe I will start posting some pictures that I have been working on. Anyway......I am so happy winter is over and we can start enjoying the outside world more! =)
After Kai went to bed the other day we ventured outside ,made ourself a little fire and made smores with strawberry marshmellows. YUM!



Raquel said...

That looks like so much fun, gotta love smores! I love the silly picture of you all!

Autumn Fauver said...

haha! Yes I remember you!! How could I not? I'm glad you found me on here its always nice to have family to talk to! Congrats on your little baby boy, he is a cutie!!

Benielle said...

So fun! I miss you guys!!!!!