Sunday, September 19, 2010


We spent some time this summer about 2 1/2  hours north of us with my brother Chance and his wife Jessica. They live in Toledo and by this fun beach/camping place called Maumee Bay.I think  its actually lake michigan. It was a  Fun relaxing day on day on the beach. =)
Not even  a week after we were there is when the deadly Tornados hit Toledo. SO many homes and buildings and school were destroyed. I believe 7 people were killed and while all that was going on Chance was out risking his life in the crazy weather because thats what news reporters do, its crazy!  A couple days after the Tornadoes hit Chance went to Haiti for a week so I went and stayed with Jess all by myself for a few days. They actually cancelled church that weekend I was there and ask that we go volunteer and help clean up after all the devastation.  So thats what Jessica and I did. It was so sad to see some peoples house just GONE. IT was crazy sad.... I didn't do much help in the grand scheme of things but it felt good to be there with so many other people  and be able to help out a little bit.


sarah and jeremy said...

That is so terrible! You guys are so great for helping out. By the way, you seriously have the cutest kids!!

Mary said...

So glad you're blogging again! It looks like you've had a busy summer!