Last week we took a little trip to Tennessee to visit Kenta's parents and sister. His sister was there visiting from Japan. We go visist them a couple times a year, but I really look forword to the once a year when kenta's sister Tomoko is there visiting. She actually speaks English so I can carry on a conversation with her. =) She plays with the kids a ton and they absolutely LOVE her! They equally love Kentas parents which they call Baba (grandma in Japanese) and Tak-san.
They live in such a BEAUTIFUL area and I would seriously move there in a second if Kenta found a job there. This lake where we were at with this amazing few is about 2 miles from their house.
Right down the road from there house by the lake is a park which we visit every single time we are there.
Tomoko is such a trooper! I would not let the boys push me on this, knowing it would totally make me sick! The boys are all wearing these adorable pants and shirts that Tomoko brought them from Japan. They are officially Noah's favorite pants! I mean who wouldn't love a pair of polka dot pants. =)
Baba has an awesome jacuzzi tub that the boys have to play in every single night. I want one!
We always eat nothing but amazingly delicious Japanese food while we are there. This time we had something that the kids and I had never had before. Its called Takoyaki. Basically its Octopus dumpling balls. The kids saw the the little octopus in full form before it was chopped into little peices, so I was sure they would not eat these. But to my surprise Kai ate more than anyone and he is my anorexic child who never eats! Eli was hesitant at first, but once I convinced him to try it he really liked it, and also ate quite a bit. With Noah it took bribery. Yes I bribe my kids A LOT!! I told him if he ate 5 than he could have a carmel apple. It worked and he ate 5 and didnt complain about it. YAY I think my kids have those Japanese taste buds!! =) They actually were pretty yummy..
And here is Grandpa a.k.a Tak-san. He sure loves these boys a lot!! And the boys equally love him. =)
Seriously can't wait till we go again. I LOVE Tennessee so much!!! And I really can't wait till one day when we get to go visit kentas brother and sister,Tomoko and Daisuke in Japan.....One day. =)
Love the tub pics, I bet its fun to have boys so close like yours are. There weren't any pics of your cute face though;)
SOOO Fun! Glad you got to enjoy your time there! I'd got for the yummy homemade japanese food! I bet Kenta was in heaven! :)
Ohhh, that lake really is beautiful!! Looks like you guys had a great time. That little pink polo shirt you have Kai in is SOOO stinkin cute!!! Ahh, your boys seriously are the cutest ever!! Are they learning to speak Japanese as well as English while they are young?
yea tennessee! A couple of days ago the girls started talking about noah and eli and them amelia just said with a sigh, "I miss Eli."
Looks like fun!
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