Monday, July 11, 2011


In June my little stud Noah graduated from Kindergarten!!. At the graduation his class sang and danced to Justin Bieber's "never say never". It was so dang cute! Noah has just blossomed academically this year. I am so proud of him. He has also become quite the ladies man. Most of his friends are girls and one of his very best friends Ella lives down the street from us and they were lucky enough to be in the same class together. Ella is leaving to go to private school this next year so this has been sad for them both, but at least they can still just walk down the street to see each other whenever they want. =)  Can't believe he's going to be in 1st grade next month. And his teacher Mrs. Hall is actually moving to 1st grade this school year so he gets to keep his same awesome teacher. =)

In May Eli graduated from Ms. Nicole's Preschool. He had such a fun time with her and all his preschool buddies this year. His teacher Nicole is a friend of mine and runs an awesome, adorable bilingual (spanish) preschool from her home. She is absolutely amazing with the kids and I am so thankful for all she did for these cute kids this year. Eli learned so much and had a lot of fun doing it. He also taught me quite a bit of Spanish that he learned at school. =)  Eli is so  excited to start Kindergarten next month, and I still am having a hard time believing that he is old enough to go to full day school. =(  On the other hand  I am excited for Kai's turn to go to Nicole's preschool this next school year. I can't believe my baby is old enough for preschool! =)
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sarah and jeremy said...

Our kids are so much alike. Trey is the same way with girls, he loves them! He has way more girl friends than boy friends. I love the pic of noah holding that girls hand, that is so cute! I know, I'm bad at posting pics of myself. It's just not fun when you feel huge, but I promise next time...just for you! :)