Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Congratulations Kenta

Kenta is a college graduate wiith a computer science degree.YAY!!! It feels like he has been in school for forever. I know some of my friends are rolling their eyes right now because your husbands are in medical school/residency , dental school or getting their MBA's but still 6 years of school is a VERY long time!
He did not want to walk which I was bummed about but I thought we needed to do some kind of celebration. So we had a barbecue get together last saturday with a few friends to celebrate.
We all are so proud of you Kenta! Congratulations!

What's next....Information Technology job or graduate school?
Stay tuned.......


Dehner Family said...

Yay! Congrats!

Jennifer Kendall said...

SWEET!!! Congratulations, Kenta!

Sarah said...

Congrats to both of you! I know Kenta did all the hard work but you were right there supporting him while raising three little boys. Being done with school is awesome. The best part is when next semester rolls around and you don't have to pay tuition unless of course he goes on to get his masters which might not be a bad idea in this economy. (run on) Anyway, cheers to Kenta!

Maren said...

Congratulations to you! That is such an accomplishment for your whole family. Now... you just need to move on out here to Silicon Valley (lots of computer jobs, right?) and we can hang out! At least you should come out and visit me while Kenta interviews at Google, or something.

Karson and Kami said...

That's awesome! Congrats Kenta :) That's a great accomplishment

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

Congrats to Kenta. That is so awesome. I am definitly not rolling my eyes. I think it's such an accomplishment! I know I couldn't do it.(that;s why I do hair!!) You guys look like you are having so much fun. Your boys are beautiful as always!!