This is our new pet frog Abby. This new little friend of ours is named after one of Noah and Eli's BFF's. We had the frog for a little over a day and still had not decided on a name for it. The boy's friend Abby came over to play and I asked her what she thought the frog's name should be and she said without any hesitation "I think it should be Abby". Then she asked Noah and Eli if they liked that name for the frog and they very happily agreed. So that is how our frog got it's name. =)
Abby's dad just got offered a job as a professor at BYU . They are some of our best friend's here and we are so sad that they are moving to Utah soon. Hey but at least we have a frog named in their memory now! Maybe every pet we get from now on will be named after each member of their family! =) My boys are seriously terrified of all bugs and reptiles. I know its weird, since boys are suppose to be all about that kind of stuff. Noah has always been scared of them and I think his fear just rubbed off onto Eli. I am trying to break them both of this fear. I myself am terrified of spiders and just grossed out by bugs and reptiles. I have been totally sucking it up and holding worms, ladybugs and potato bugs just to try and show my kids that they are not scary. So far neither of them have ever held a bug yet but Eli is now beginning to quickly touch them and poke them. So we are having some progress!
I thought getting a nice friendly frog would be good for them. Maybe it would help them not to be so afraid of everything. Well neither of them have wanted to hold the frog yet but they say they love it and want to keep it. So we will see if they ever get the courage to hold it. =)
We will miss you Gibb's family!!
We will miss you too! We have about 6-8 weeks left to play with you guys. This is going to be the summer of our lives.
p.s. Love the frog's new little sister too!
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