Saturday, January 24, 2009

Stir crazy kids!

Is everybody's kids going as stir crazy as mine!? It has been ridiculoulsy cold so we have had to find new entertainment inside the house, so that the boys and myself won't go crazy!
The boys have been having fun dreesing up like super heros and indians. My wonderful friend Amy made these adorable capes for the boys for christmas. One side is superman and the other side is batman. They love running around in them and flying off of the furniture. =)
Thanks again Amy!

Here they are as little indians/railroad conductors =)

Noah has been asking to go camping for weeks. Since it is obviously way to cold for that they had a little campout in the basement with daddy.

I have been trying to think of just little things to entertain. The kids are sick of playing with the same old playdough and coloring. So I went and bought some fingerpaints and a few other kids crafts at micheals. The fingerpainting is by far their new favorite thing.
Notice Eli's side of the counter ( a mess!)and Noah's side of the counter(nice and clean). This happens every time. Eli can not contain the paint to paper, he must also paint his face,the counter and the walls. This paint is washable, so its not a big deal. He just makes me laugh , he is so funny. I wonder all the time what is going on in his little mind. =)

Kai is such a good little guy. This is what Kai is usually doing while Noah and Eli are causing chaos and making messes.

If anyone has any fun ideas to entertain 2 rowdy boys, please share!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I am so happy it finally snowed! A lot of people may disagree with me but if its going to be cold there might as well be snow to play in. =)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Family fun

One day I had no brothers in ohio and within just a few days I had all 3 in ohio! We had some fun while my brother Spencer was home for a few days before he took off to school. My brother Chance flew in from utah for 2 days, so he could drive spencers car back to Idaho with him and get him settled into school. And my other brother Jackson is home for a little while on a medical leave from his mission. So for a few days me and all my brothers and my sister got to hang out, which was so much fun!! And they all got to meet little Kai. My boys had the best time with all of their uncles. They were spoiled with all the attention they got.
Uncle Chance with baby Kai
Somehow I convinced chance to change his diaper..What a good uncle =)We played games for hours and hours every single night they were all here. My family is a bit competitive, so it got pretty rowdy sometimes =)We went swimming. Well I sat on the sidelines with Kai and just watched.
Have I mentioned these boys LOVE the water!Eli.....the future Michael Phelps =)A little hoola hoop contest happened....Let me say that everyone pretty much it sure was funny watching everyone try =)Here is grandma with her grandbabies =)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

November and December card club

All my kids are asleep at the moment and I should be catching up on some much needed sleep, but I thought I would post this stuff from the past 2 months clubs instead. I really was going to try and keep up on this stuff for all my friends who care and are as nerdy about this stuff as I am ! Anyway for those of you who care ya go =)

This first card I just wanted to post because I thought it turned out so cute. I made it a few months ago for a baby shower. Novembers Club.....

My card




Kristi personalized everyone's card, see how there are 3 little boys on mine =)

For November's club project we made a cute little advent calender on a clipboard.
It is magentic so you switch the numbers easily every day. Pretty cute huh =)
Ok now for December's Club.
I was feeling way to exahausted and overwhelmed to even hold club this month. But I thought I would just have everyone over for a card swap and skip the whole project thing. So that is just what I did.
I did end up making these christmas treats for everyone, because I felt bad for not doing a project. But these were super fast a cute.

Danielle's card



Kristi made these really cute milk jug treat containers instead of a card and as I was uploading these pictures I realized I didnt take a picture of it. Sorry you cant see it , but it was pretty cute. =)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our December

Wow, what a month we have had. For the most part this entire month I have been exhausted, but we did manage to do a few fun christmas things with the kids. One of the kids favorite things we did I did not get pictures of. We went to the festival of lights about a half hour away. It was perfect because I was feeling 37 months pregnant and at this festival of lights you just stay and drive around this park area and look at lights. It was decorated so cool, we all loved it and will definately be doing that again next year.
Here is a few fun things we did this month.

We watched lots of christmas movies and read lots of christmas stories. Grandma even came over to read christmas stories to them before they went to bed.

Ok, so I did not do any baking but I totally meant to. We did get these cute little baking outfits from my brother Jackson for christmas. Fun dress up outfits for now =)

The boys got their anual christmas p.j's. that Noah requests wearing every night now!We all made a mess and had fun making our gingerbread house. Eli did more eating than making =)Santa even made a personal visit to our house!Of course we all have been loving having a new little boy around. Both Noah and Eli have been so sweet and gentle with Kai. I do have to remind Eli occasionally not to poke his eye out when he is touching him. I dont know why he wants to touch Kai's eyes all the time.My 3 cute boys =)This little baby boy is just so sweet. Christmas morning was so fun. My parents and sister slept over and we all had christmas morning together. As the kids get older the more fun christmas is! Dont they look so handsome in there new church clothes that santa brought them. Kai got a matching one to but it will be a few months before he can fit in it =)My brother Spencer just got home from his mission 2 days ago! It is so good to see him again. He looks so good. Its been fun hanging out with him. He wont be here for long though, he leaves to go to BYU Idaho in 2 days. Welcome home Spencer!!