Sunday, January 4, 2009

November and December card club

All my kids are asleep at the moment and I should be catching up on some much needed sleep, but I thought I would post this stuff from the past 2 months clubs instead. I really was going to try and keep up on this stuff for all my friends who care and are as nerdy about this stuff as I am ! Anyway for those of you who care ya go =)

This first card I just wanted to post because I thought it turned out so cute. I made it a few months ago for a baby shower. Novembers Club.....

My card




Kristi personalized everyone's card, see how there are 3 little boys on mine =)

For November's club project we made a cute little advent calender on a clipboard.
It is magentic so you switch the numbers easily every day. Pretty cute huh =)
Ok now for December's Club.
I was feeling way to exahausted and overwhelmed to even hold club this month. But I thought I would just have everyone over for a card swap and skip the whole project thing. So that is just what I did.
I did end up making these christmas treats for everyone, because I felt bad for not doing a project. But these were super fast a cute.

Danielle's card



Kristi made these really cute milk jug treat containers instead of a card and as I was uploading these pictures I realized I didnt take a picture of it. Sorry you cant see it , but it was pretty cute. =)


Mary said...

I love seeing all the cards and projects; however, sleep is a tad more important!

Love your new title pic.

Brookie said...

i had no idea just how crafty you were! that is awsome! so is this a scrapbook club or a card club? thats amazing you have any time or energy left to do all that!

BTW your new baby is preciouse!

Jen said...

Kim, you seriously are super-woman! I can't believe you've had time to keep up with your card club stuff, blog, take care of 3!!! boys. You are amazing! I can't wait to meet little Kai....he is such an adorable little baby!

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

I wish I lived by you so that I could do all that cute stuff. Everything is so cute. I love the card you made for the baby shower. you are so good!!

Karson and Kami said...

You crafty ladies!!!
Ok, Ok, you made your point on the take those awful scanned quality ones off! haha. I'll send you the others later today to replace them with :) Love ya!