Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers day!

My friend just showed me how to make these collages, and I was having fun doing them so  I am posting two in honors of Mothers day of me  and my little men! =)
I love being a mom to these 3 boys. They make my life so crazy and chaotic and I love it! (most of the time).... I can't and imagine my life not being a mom.  Thanks Noah, Eli, & Kai for choosing me to be your momma.
Happy Mothers day to all you mommys out there!

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Tara said...

Hey there, Kim! You are such a cute mom - I love the pics of you and your boys. (and that's a pretty sweet Lego farm from your last post - I finally got to see it!) :)

heidi said...

kimmie happy mother's day. you are a great mom! plus you gave me the cutest nephews int he world. so thanks.